We know vaccines are a hot topic. We also believe that everyone should be fully informed about the vaccinations they receive. So we’ve created a list of the 5 vaccines you should be considering getting right now if you haven’t already.
Call or stop in to see us! Our pharmacists would love to review your vaccination chart and answer any questions or reservations you may have about protecting yourself and your family with an appropriate, personalized inoculation schedule.

1. Flu Vaccine
The flu is a respiratory virus. Guess what else is? Yep, SARS-CoV-2 (AKA COVID) is also a respiratory virus. Getting your vaccine is even more important this year to minimize the number of respiratory viruses going around. Protect yourself (and loved ones) against the various strains of influenza with this seasonal vaccine.
2. High-dose Flu Vaccine: Adults 65+
This is for those over the age of 65. Why have two different vaccines? This high dosage flu vaccine has shown to be 24% more effective in preventing the flu in adults over the age of 65. You might be wondering why everyone wouldn’t get this shot, well, we have you covered. It’s simply a matter of older immune systems requiring an extra push.
3. Pneumonia Vaccine: 2 vaccines (Pneumovax® 23 and Prevnar® 13): Adults 65+
Pneumonia is pretty common for young kids, but they typically recover and bounce back. For older individuals, bouncing back is a lot harder to do. The risk of not getting the vaccine is serious illness or death. We’re not trying to scare you, but we do think you should be well-informed! Which vaccine should you get?
- Pneumovax® 23: This one protects you from 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria and is administered in 1 shot. There are cases of people receiving multiple rounds if they have chronic medical conditions.
- Prevnar® 13: This one protects you from 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria and can also prevent ear infections. This one is also given to kids in their first year of life to protect them while their immune system is developing.
Your pharmacist can help you decide which vaccine is best for you based on your records. Pneumonia recommendations change frequently, but the current recommendation is the two listed above. Call us today to go over your history or to schedule those vaccines!

4. Shingles Vaccine: Adults 50+
Shingles are one of those things that you do not want to get. Allow us to paint a picture, but imagine it as much worse. You will develop a painful rash on one side of your body, face (you don’t want it on your face), or torso. Blisters form on the rashes and you’re in a lot of pain. Some have even reported feeling that sensation LONG after the shingles have left. Unless… You got the vaccine! Good for you! This is recommended even if you’ve already had shingles. There have been cases of getting shingles again, so why not vaccinate and save yourself the pain. Please note: This is a two-round shot. The second round is recommended two to six months after receiving your first shot.

5. Tdap (Adult Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Pertussis)
The Tdap vaccine protects you from a variety of maladies. We’ve broken down what each of the above infections means:
- Tetanus: Painful stiffening of the muscles, can make it difficult or impossible to open mouth/breathe, can result in death.
- Diphtheria: A serious infection of the nose and throat that’s easily preventable by a vaccine. Grey matter clogs up your respiratory system, making it very difficult to breathe.
- Pertussis: AKA the Whooping Cough. This is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection and is very dangerous for infants in particular. Due to it being dangerous for newborns, grandparents are often asked to get this shot to protect their newest grandbaby.
These are all severe infections that you can protect yourself from. Bring in your vaccination records and a pharmacist will review and recommend a personalized inoculation plan. If you’d prefer to stay home, call us today for a phone review and to get on the schedule for your inoculations!